Contact Information
Kurt ZunkerBehavioral Health Services Manager
2301 Capitol Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307.777.7575
Email: Salli Volz
Behavioral Health Coordinator
2301 Capitol Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307.777.7718
Wyoming Treatment Court Standards
On April 23, 2024, the Wyoming Supreme Court amended the Rules Governing Court Supervised Treatment Programs, introducing Rule 18. This rule mandates that all treatment courts in Wyoming adhere to standards maintained by the Wyoming Supreme Court, which are published on the Wyoming Judicial Branch website. These standards, grounded in the 10 Key Components of Drug Courts, are further informed by the Adult Treatment Court Best Practice Standards, Volume 1 & 2, developed by All Rise (formerly the National Association of Drug Court Professionals), as well as the Family Treatment Court Best Practice Standards and Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Guidelines. They are specifically crafted to ensure consistent, high-quality practices across all treatment courts in Wyoming.
Wyoming Treatment Court Standards
The Wyoming Legislature provides funding for treatment courts under the Court Supervised Treatment Programs Act. These specialized courts combine judicial supervision with treatment and monitoring to reduce recidivism and promote sobriety among participants. While the Legislature appropriates funds for treatment courts, the Wyoming Judicial Council, through its Behavioral Health Subcommittee, determines eligibility and funding for successful applicants.
To apply for funding, please download the application spreadsheet linked below. The spreadsheet consists of 12 tabs, starting with ‘Instructions’ on the far left and ending with ‘Assurances’ on the far right. Use the arrows at the bottom left to navigate through the tabs. The ‘Grant Information’ tab provides a purpose of funding statement and eligibility criteria; please review this information but do not enter any program information on this tab. Complete the questions on all other tabs, scrolling down if necessary to see all the questions.
Note that cells highlighted in gray on the ‘Budget’ and ‘Budget Justification’ tabs are automatically calculated; do not enter information into these cells.
Once you have completed the application, including all attachments such as matching funds letters and contracts or MOUs, please email the entire package to by April 1, 2024. Applications received after this date will not be considered for funding.