Public Services Policy
The Wyoming State Law Library is wheelchair accessible.
Deaf, hard of hearing, and speech impaired citizens can receive assistance in calling the Wyoming State Law Library by contacting Wyoming Relay at 711.
When possible, the Wyoming State Law Library will provide visually impaired patrons with alternative-format materials.
In order to check out books from the Wyoming State Law Library, an individual must fall into at least one of the following categories:
- Employee of the Wyoming Supreme Court;
- Member of the Wyoming State or Federal Judiciary;
- Member of the Wyoming State Bar Association;
- Member or staff of the Wyoming Legislature;
- Employee of any Wyoming state agency or department; or
- Holder of a valid borrower’s card from a participating WYLD library.
Individuals who do not have check-out privileges may request State Law Library materials through the Inter-Library Loan program offered at many public libraries. Individuals are limited to five (5) material check-outs at any given time. Individuals are fully responsible for replacing lost or damaged materials.
The Wyoming State Law Library reserves the right to deny check-out privileges to any individual whose account is not in good standing.
Reference Staff
The Wyoming State Law Library employs a small staff of reference librarians. Reference assistance is strictly limited to location of resources. No member of the State Law Library staff will interpret materials. No member of the State Law Library staff will provide legal advice. Any materials referenced by the State Law Library staff are intended as potential sources of information and are not warranted to supply definitive answers.
Policy for Correctional Facilities
All inmate correspondence must be relayed through the correctional facility’s librarian or, if the facility has no librarian, through a correctional staff member.
No direct correspondence from inmates will be accepted by the Wyoming State Law Library.
Fulfillment of requests rests solely in the discretion of the Wyoming State Law Library staff.