How do I find the contact information for the court that summoned me?
Please look at the top of the summons you received in the mail. The bolded lines at the top of the summons will provide you with the name of the court which summoned you to serve on jury duty. There are two links displayed below. One link will take you to the list of district courts located in Wyoming, the other is for circuit courts. Again, please verify whether you have received a summons for district court or for circuit court based on the information provided in your summons, and choose the corresponding link below. You will then be able to select your court from the list provided, and the contact information will appear once you have selected the appropriate court.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Wyoming does not automatically disqualify jurors based on a maximum age limit. However, if a person who is over the age of seventy-two (72) does not wish to serve, he or she may request to be excused pursuant to Wyoming Statute.
- Yes, to qualify for jury duty, a potential juror must be eighteen years of age or older.
- No, potential jurors do not have to complete both questionnaires. However, it is mandatory that each juror complete one of the questionnaires (and return it if completed on paper). Each potential juror may choose to complete either the paper or online version, but the juror must choose one or the other.
- The jury system is being rolled out statewide in a phased process. That means that not every court will have the ability to offer jurors the opportunity to answer the questionnaire online immediately. Currently, only Laramie and Platte county district and circuit courts have this functionality. Beginning in 2019, the system will become available for more courts in the state. Please check back for updates.
- The Wyoming Supreme Court partners with the State of Wyoming Vital Statistics office to remove deceased individuals from the jury selection process. However, this process takes place quarterly, which means that there may be a slight delay between the time that a person passes away and the time that the system is updated. If your family member has recently passed away and a summons for jury duty was received naming him or her, you may inform the court which sent the summons of your family member’s passing by submitting the information online through the jury system or by submitting the information to the court in writing.
- The Wyoming Supreme Court strives to ensure that jurors are not called by multiple jurisdictions within a particular year. However, there may be some instances when you may be called to serve as a juror for both Federal and State courts. This is due to a number of different factors, including the fact that Wyoming is a state with a small population and the fact that the State and Federal courts have different jurisdictional limits.
- Please request excusals online from your Juror Homepage after completing the online questionnaire, or you may request an excusal by submitting your plans in writing to the court which summoned you. The court will do its best to accommodate your request. However, please understand that an excusal is not guaranteed, and each individual court will determine whether an excusal is possible on a case-by-case basis.
- Please request excusals online from your Juror Homepage after completing the online questionnaire, or you may request an excusal by submitting your appointment(s) in writing to the court which summoned you. The court will do its best to accommodate your request. However, please understand that an excusal is not guaranteed, and each individual court will determine whether an excusal is possible on a case-by-case basis.
- Pursuant to state and federal statutes, there are exemptions from service for active law enforcement officers, firefighters, elected public officials and active military. You may request an exemption from your Juror Homepage after completing the online questionnaire, or you may request an exemption by submitting a written request to the court which summoned you.
- Please request an excusal or exemption online from your Juror Homepage after completing the online questionnaire, or you may request an excusal or exemption by submitting a written request to the court which summoned you. The court will do its best to accommodate your request. However, please understand that not all excusals are guaranteed, and each individual court will determine whether an excusal is possible on a case-by-case basis.
- Names for potential jurors are gathered in a variety of ways. Your name may be included if you are registered to vote, have a Wyoming driver’s license or state issued identification card.