Contact Information

Elisa Butler
State Court Administrator
2301 Capitol Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307.777.7238

The Wyoming Judicial Council exercises general superintending control over the Wyoming Judicial Branch for administrative, policy making, and planning purposes pursuant to the Wyoming Constitution, the Order of the Wyoming Supreme Court and the resolution of the Wyoming District Courts. Council work and decisions are streamlined through recommendations of specialty committees created by the Wyoming Judicial Council. These committees review and recommend priorities based on the subject matter assigned to the committee. Below is further information on each of the Wyoming Judicial Council Committees.

Access to Justice Commission

The purpose of the Access to Justice Commission is to assist the Wyoming Judicial Council in furthering access to justice initiatives identified in the Wyoming Judicial Branch strategic plan.  The Order creating the Access to Justice Committee can be accessed here.

Committee Staff

Cecelia Dunn, Judicial Assistant to Justice Boomgaarden
Phone: 307.777.7571

Behavioral Health Committee

The purpose of the Behavioral Health Committee is to review and recommend priorities of the Wyoming Judicial Council in the area of behavioral health to the Wyoming Judicial Council. The Order creating the Behavioral Health Committee can be accessed here.

Committee Staff

Elisa Butler, State Court Administrator Ben Burningham, Chief Legal Officer/Director of Chancery Court
Phone: 307.777.7238 Phone: 307.777.6565
Email: Email:

Circuit Court Audit Committee

The purpose of the Circuit Court Audit Committee is to provide support, guidance and consultation to the Administrative Office of the Court’s internal audit function to provide for the proper and uniform accounting of all money received and disbursed by circuit courts. The Committee also provides consultation on required court processes to be audited and on the discretionary processes in the circuit courts. The Order creating the Circuit Court Audit Committee can be accessed here.

Committee Staff

Claire Smith, Deputy Administrator/Chief Fiscal Officer Cecilia Toomey, Internal Auditor
Phone: 307.777.7502 Phone: 307.777.7581
Email: Email:

Education Committee

The Education Committee identifies and develops educational opportunities for Wyoming’s judiciary. The purpose of the committee is to help develop and implement an education program that focuses on continuous and career-long development of judicial officers and Judicial Branch staff.

Committee Staff

Lisa Finkey, Chief Education Officer
Phone: 307.777.7575

Forms Committee

The purpose of the Forms Committee is to review, revise, and maintain court approved forms for the Wyoming Judicial Branch.  The Order creating the Forms Committee can be accessed here.

Committee Staff

Victor Payne, Staff Attorney Leora Hoshall, VISTA Supervisor
Phone: 307.777.6487 Phone: 307.777.8384
Email: Email: 

Human Resources Committee

The purpose of the Human Resources Committee is to review the Human Resources needs of the Wyoming Judicial Branch and develop recommended strategies and policies for the Wyoming Judicial Council to address those needs, including but not limited to employee compensation, job classification, recruitment and management, development, engagement, and retention. The Order creating the Human Resources Committee can be accessed here.

Committee Staff

Claire Smith, Deputy Administrator/Chief Fiscal Officer Brenda Reedy, Human Resources Manager
Phone: 307.777.7502 Phone: 307.777.7629
Email: Email:

Legislative Relations Committee

The purpose of the Legislative Relations Committee is to review and recommend legislative priorities to the Wyoming Judicial Council ensuring a coordinated approach to the Branch’s message to the Legislature. The Committee members will act as representatives for the Branch in legislative meetings, and will assist in communicating legislation of interest to the Judiciary back to the Committee members’ respective conferences to receive input and feedback. The Order creating the Legislative Relations Committee can be accessed here.

Committee Staff

Elisa Butler, State Court Administrator
Phone: 307.777.7238

Technology Committee

The purpose of the Technology Committee is to make recommendations to the Wyoming Judicial Council concerning the Technology policies, needs, and vision of the Wyoming Judicial Branch. The Technology Committee will further the Wyoming Judicial Branch strategic plan and will consider the following areas as it makes recommendations to the Wyoming Judicial Council, though the exclusion of a topic area from the list does not preclude the Technology Committee from addressing a topic if it falls within the general purpose of the Committee as defined herein.

  • Hardware/Software Standard
  • Network Security
  • Courtroom Technology
  • Training
  • Funding and Resources for Technology now and in the future:
    • Court Navigator Program
    • Self-represented Litigant Forms
  • Court Applications, including:
    • Case Management Systems
    • Filing Systems (including eCitations)
    • Public Access Systems
    • Jury Management Systems

The Order creating the Technology Committee can be accessed here.

Committee Staff

Heather Kenworthy, Chief Applications Officer Nate Goddard, Chief Technology Officer
Phone: 307.777.7652 Phone: 307.777.6130
Email: Email: