Project Contact
Elisa Butler
State Court Administrator
2301 Capitol Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307.777.7238
In August 2019, the Chief Justice created an ad hoc eFiling committee to evaluate eFiling vendors. The committee represents a cross-section of future eFiling users in the state.
In June 2019, the Supreme Court sent a request for quotation for an eFiling system in district and chancery courts to potential vendors. Responses were received from four vendors by the end of July 2019. Of those four vendors, three were chosen to provide demonstrations of their systems to the eFiling committee.
The vendor demonstrations occurred in September 2019 and the committee was given the opportunity to obtain training and test in each of the systems. The committee recommended File & ServeXpress, a Texas based company, as the vendor for eFiling in Wyoming. That recommendation was reviewed and approved by the Joint Court Automation Committee, and then on March 24, 2020, by the Supreme Court, subject to negotiation of appropriate contract terms.