Court Navigator
Contact Information
Victor PayneCourt Services Counsel
2301 Capitol Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307.777.6487
Court Navigator Pilot Program
The goal of the Court Navigator Pilot Project is to provide increased access to justice for self-represented litigants.
The role of the court navigator will be to provide guidance for self-represented litigants to help navigate the court system. Court Navigators will assist with:
- Assisting in identifying and completing appropriate pro se forms;
- Providing basic procedural information on how cases proceed through the court system;
- Providing referrals to legal/community services;
- Guiding litigants through the court process including information about court hearings and how litigants should conduct themselves in court.
Court navigators will be providing assistance both in-person and remotely.
Initially, the court navigator will provide assistance in three case categories:
- Protection Orders
- Domestic Relations, including divorce, custody, and child support; and
- Evictions Actions (Forcible Entry and Detainer)
Court navigators will be provided with appropriate education and resources to assist self-represented litigants. They will also be supervised and supported by the Wyoming Judicial Branch Administrative Office of the Courts.